It’s the dawn of a new era, the birth of a new, independent fibre broker in the Eastern Cape, with its head office based in Port Elizabeth! The total marketing team, including all the technical field officers of the company formerly well known as the biggest mohair broker in the world, brainstormed the establishment of the new company, THE HOUSE OF FIBRE, to change the brokering scene forever. This team, well known for their technical expertise and commitment to the wool and mohair farmer and industries alike, set out a few goals for themselves. They want to take the lead in all full brokering service levels once again and modernizing the industry through excelling in new technology, leading marketing and service levels as well as to ensure responsible, sustainable wool and mohair production. This all must be achieved with a farmer friendly marketing cost structure. This will be achieved by having service agreements with leaders in their field instead of duplicating infrastructure, starting with central warehousing for mohair in their own facility. The majority of the individuals involved are internationally recognized for their expertise and they will bring their skills and knowledge to play, for the benefit of the fibre industries, also making use of their international contacts to establish unique marketing partnership contracts and contact with international bodies guarding the wellbeing of animals and people.

Pierre van der vyver

General Manager /
Algemene Bestuurder

Johan Botes

Technical Field Officer /
Tegniese Veldbeampte

Cassie Carstens

Manager Field Services /
Bestuurder  Velddienste

Elrin Davids

Technical Officer Receiving /
Tegniese Beampte Ontvang Sybokhaar

Johannes de Jager

Technical Field Officer /
Tegniese Veldbeampte

Gert Erasmus

Manager Wool & Trading /
Bestuurder Wol & Verhandeling

Hardie van den Heever

Techincal Field Officer /
Tegniese Veldbeampte

Leizl van der Vyver

General Administrative Officer /
Algemene Administratiewe Beampte

Gary Willows

Technical Field Officer /
Tegniese  Veldbeampte

Chris Curtain

Technical Field Officer /
Tegniese  Veldbeampte

Roche Jongkind

Technical Field Officer /
Tegniese Veldbeampte

Andrew Phillips

Senior Techincal Officer Binning /
Senior Tegniese Beampte Samevoeging en Vermenging

Preston Peters

Accountant /

Rossouw Du Randt

Senior Mohair Technician


Cornelius Smith

Store Manager /
Sybokhaar Stoor Bestuurder

Petrie Maré

Manager: Animal Genetics & Development
Bestuurder: Dieregenetika en -ontwikkeling

Abigail Bezuidenhout

Mohair Technical Officer

Mohau Pollen Mametja

Receiving Mohair Line Manager

Clemont Hack

Senior Shipping Clerk