Mohair Auction | B08/24 LOGIN TO WATCH

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Empowering Future Talent: House of Fibre’s Mohair Classing Course at Hoër Landbouskool Marlow

26 January 2024

Group of individuals from Landbouskool Marlow, in blue shirts posing for a photo in front of a Mohair sign in a rustic indoor setting.
House of Fibre had the pleasure of conducting a Mohair Classing Course for the Grade 11 Marlow Boys at . Our representatives were on-site to administer tests and observe the remarkable skills showcased by these young talents.
Witnessing their incredible enthusiasm and talent during this experience was truly inspiring. Here's to hoping they've gained not just knowledge but a valuable skill that will stay with them for a lifetime.
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#MohairClassing #FutureSkills #YoungTalent #HouseofFibre #HOF #Marlowschool